Expert Tips for Winning an Escape Room Games
Expert Tips for Winning an Escape Room Games

Expert Tips for Winning an Escape Room Games

Mark Heinrich
27 June 2018

Escape room games have taken the world over and given people something new to experience, but if you have never enjoyed the pleasure of taking part in an escape room, you are truly missing out. The experience is all about strategy and finding the right way out, but experts confess, there are some tips to help you get out of any escape room in record time. Here are some things you will want to keep in mind the next time you find yourself in an escape room game.

Talk to One Another

The point of an escape room is to get out, but there is more to getting out than simply pushing a button. Escape rooms generally allow for between 2 and 6 people to experience the game together and many companies now use the games for team building activities. The reason this trend has taken off in corporations throughout the world is because teams must work together and learn to communicate with one another to find a solution to the puzzle. When working with your group in an escape room, always be willing to communicate and let others know what you are thinking, so the team can be most successful. One person will have a much more difficult time figuring out the solution, but many working together have a much higher rate of success.

Maintain a Central Location

Upon entering the room, begin strategizing with your team and employ a central location for clues. This idea stems from the fact that clues intertwine with one another and forgetting one clue can lead to an inability to solve the puzzle. Placing objects found in the room in a central location will allow the team to keep track of key clues and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to put the pieces together in their own mind without one or more clues being misplaced.

Listen Intently to All Clues

When entering the escape room game, you will likely be quite excited, but it is important not to allow your overexcitement to get the better of you. You will have, on average, one hour to complete the task of successfully getting out of the room, so make the most of the experience. Your escape room guide will give you an important clue at the beginning and it is vital to listen closely and study the words the guide says and put that knowledge with the rest of the clues in the room. Successful teams listen to the small details and focus their attention on them because these are usually the largest clues as opposed to the most obvious solutions to the problem.

Ask Early

Each escape room game will have different rules, but one thing they all have in common is the team can ask for up to three clues. Asking for clues may have some penalties, but it is suggested that you ask your clues early on in the experience. Take a little time to examine the room and then ask for clues with little time between asking. Even if the time inside the room is shortened for asking clues, it will enhance your ability to allow you and your team to escape faster than without asking for clues. Experts say, it is worth it to go ahead and use the advantage no matter the cost.

Choose Your Team Wisely

There are some times when choosing your team to work with is not an option. Escape rooms are fun for a group of friends of any type, but if possible, take the time to examine your proposed team’s individual skill sets. Those that know how to strategize and look for the small details of a room fare better than those that are not detail oriented. It is also recommended that your team work well together, as with a good group of friends, because you will be locked in the space for up to 1 hour.

Choose a Room Wisely

Going in blind to any situation is never a good idea and the same thing can be said about escape rooms. When choosing an escape room, examine all aspects of the experience to ensure it is a good fit for your expectations. Some escape rooms are merely rooms in which the occupants must look for clues in order to get out, but there are also some that are puzzle based experiences in which occupants must accomplish a series of puzzle games to win. Both are fun, but ensure that what you get is actually what you expect.

Escape room games have come a long way since their original invention in 2007, but now they are more popular than ever. Companies are found throughout the world that offer these exceptional experiences, but if you happen to be in Berlin, Labyrintoom Live Escapes will be your escape room game of choice. They offer an over the top experience with many options to choose from to get the right experience. It is a brain tingling experience that will allow you and up to 5 of your closest friends enjoy an hour of fun with challenges around every corner. Visit us on your next trip to Berlin.

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