Top 7 Gifts to Surprise the Family
Top 7 Gifts to Surprise the Family

Top 7 Gifts to Surprise the Family

Mark Heinrich
14 June 2018

Families come in all shapes and sizes, but no matter what type of family you have, family time is the most important thing. Children grow quickly and it is vital that parents take advantage of every opportunity to spend quality time with the family. There are so many activities and gifts that can be given to families and here are some of the best things to do and give to your family for any occasion.

Scratch Map

Travel is important for all families, but we often forget where we have been as a new traveling opportunity approaches. A scratch map is a fun and interesting way to keep track of it all. It is essentially, a world map with a scratch active material on it. When the material is scratched away from a specific location, a new colour is revealed. Take the time to scratch away all areas the family has traveled together and make plans to discover new locations to scratch away.


In our technology driven world, it is easy to get distracted and forget to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Camping is one of these simple pleasures and for families, it can be a lot of fun. Even if the kids are resistant at first to the thought of sleeping outdoors, they will soon come around when they realize how much fun it is. When camping, remember to leave technology devices at home for true quality family time. Kids will not miss their devices for very long as many campgrounds provide ample fun for all ages.

Escape Room Games

There are a lot of activities to bring families to, but often, they are limited to either small children or older ones. Escape room games are a little different because families of all ages can enjoy the fun. Escape room games are challenging and require families to work together in order to win the game. Some games feature puzzle based games within the space while others are merely a room that the group has to figure out clues to escape. When visiting Berlin, Labyrintoom Escape Room Games provide both styles for all families to enjoy. There is never a dull moment at Labyrintoom!

Karaoke Machine

Karaoke has taken over the world, but there is no reason to head out to the local karaoke bar for entertainment. Having a personal karaoke machine for the family is a lot of fun. For nights when the family wants to stay in or rainy afternoons, singing with the family is a unique way to bring everyone together. You do not have to be a professional singer to give it your all.

International Snack Subscription

For some families, it is easy to simply hop a plane and travel to anywhere they want to be, but for the vast majority of people, world travel is just not an option. Today, most things can be ordered through the internet and that includes snacks. Companies now offer ways to sample snacks from other countries without ever leaving your home. Monthly subscriptions allow your family to sample other cultures for one low price.

Fire Pit

Fun does not have to be over simply because the sun goes down. A fire pit is a simple, inexpensive, and easy to use way to bring the family together for an evening outside. No matter if the pit is elaborate, or simple, the fun of sitting around the fire telling stories and talking is the best way to spend quality time with those you love. The best thing about a fire pit is that the warm glow of a fire will not inhibit the view of the stars like artificial light can. Sit around the firepit and enjoy the family and gaze at the heavens above.

Season Tickets

Families seek out activities to do together, especially during the summer months. Often, it requires a great deal of money to take the family out for the day, but season tickets to favored activities make it a lot more affordable. Theme parks, zoos, aquariums, and many other venues offer season tickets and even have discounts for family packages. The initial expense can be a lot to contend with, but the time spent with the family is more than worth it. Many venues even offer discounts for season ticket holders, so you reap more benefits for the purchase.

Family time is important and as your family grows, it is essential to find activities that you can enjoy together. Discuss with the family what you would like to do and get input from each member. Even though families will have varied individual interests, coming together on a decision and allowing the kids to be involved in the process of choosing what to do will be the best experience. Give the gift of time with these and other family oriented activities this year.

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